Pink & Green Ruffle Mani

f you have a dotting tool and a lot of time on your hands you might want to give this Ruffle mani a try. I’ve seen similar things before, but I loved Chalkboard Nails version so I was inspired to actually do it.

It’s an easy, but time consuming manicure. The nature of the design is very forgiving to mistakes and even my right hand turned out well.

Pink & Green Ruffle Mani

You definitely want to choose a large dotter. I went with my second largest, and I regret not using the big one. About halfway through doing this I was wishing my nails were shorter!

You should also be aware of the colors you are using. My mystery Essie pink is a bit sheer and didn’t turn out so well when I used it over Sew Psyched.


  • Essie Jamaica Me Crazy
  • Essie color unknown (bright pink jelly, maybe Pansy?)
  • Essie Forget Me Nots
  • OPI Pink Friday


  • OPI Stranger Tides
  • Essie Sew Psyched